Job Descriptions



(a) Requests from the Region’s State Presidents, by January 15, of odd-numbered years, a two-year report of the accomplishments of their terms.(b)  Compiles a two-year report of NER history and Regional activities.
(c)  Compiles a two-year report of the six State Garden Clubs and sends it to the NGC Historian with a copy to the Regional  Director by March 1, of odd-numbered years.


Requests from the Region’s State Presidents, in advance of the annual Regional Conference, a list of their delegates and alternate delegates to the Conference.

Conference Chairman

Plans and co-ordinates the Annual Fall Conference under the direction of the NER Director.  The Chairman and Director have full responsibility for the Conference as outlined in the NER Meeting Policy.

Conference Vice Chairman

Assists the Chairman with all duties.  In absence of Chairman, acts as Chairman.

NEGC Symposium Chair

Plans and co-ordinates the Annual NER Symposium according the NER Symposium Policies.

NEGC Meeting Advisor

The NEGC conference manual is a guideline for conducting the NEGC Conference.  The Chairman keeps the Manual current. Manuals will be given to Conference Chairman when selected.  Advisor helps with the overall planning of the meetings and symposiums, helping the chairman negotiate with the hotels.

NEGC Symposium Advisor

Receives the proposed symposium budget and answers any questions that might arise from the host state’s  Symposium Chairman.    Receives the final financial statement, within three months, after the Symposium takes place.

Personnel Chairman

Serves as the liaison between the NEGC States and the NGC Personnel Chairman.  The NEGC Chairman encourages all states board members to consider applying for an appointment to the NGC Board of Directors.  If interested, a form must be completed, signed by the State President and mailed to NGC, Inc. by February 1, in even-numbered years.  These forms are filed for the NGC President Elect to review when selecting a Board of Directors.  This Chairman requests State Presidents to recommend people to serve on the NEGC Board at their fall board meeting in the even-numbered years.

NEGC Protocol Chairman

(a) Works with the NEGC Director to assure a comfortable and efficient operation for the two NER Fall Conferences during the Administration.  The list of those designated by the NER Director to be seated at the Speakers’ Table(s) and Honor Table is used to pre-pare the seating chart.  Notes are sent to those members with their seating order for the various meals or meetings.
(b) Makes sure the Director’s copy of the Protocol book is correct before each function during the Conference.
(c) Works with the Conference Registrar of the Hostess Federation to be sure those members expected to attend specific functions are in attendance.  This information is given to the NEGC Director for her use in preparing the agenda.


Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for the NEGC except where they are inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws, or any special rules of order of NGC or the Policies and Procedures of the NEGC.

Finance Chairman is usually the recent Past Regional Director, works with the Treasurer in creating a budget with the incoming Regional Director.

Motion Book Chairman is the recording secretary and keeps all the motions voted at all of the NER meetings.

By Laws Chairman

The Bylaw Chairman reviews the Regions bylaws, keeps them current with the NGC Bylaws and submits possible changes to the Regional Director for consideration.

Policies and Procedures Chairman works with the NER Director to help with changes in the policies and procedures.



Encourages all garden clubs to apply for awards offered by the New England Region for recognition of outstanding achievements in their communities.  NEGC Awards are presented at each Annual Conference recognizing excellence above the state level.  Application for New England Regional Awards is made through the Awards Chairman of each State in the Region, unless otherwise directed.  Makes arrangements for committees to judge all entries unless otherwise specified.  At the Annual NEGC Conference introduces the Awards Representatives that will make presentations.  Prepare certificates as needed.  Notifies the Treasurer  in advance of the checks needed for all monetary awards.  Prepares a listing of all awards and the winners to be distributed to the State Presidents and the NER Director after the Annual Conference.

Vice Chairman/Advisor

Assists the Awards Chairman in processing the certificates for presentation and assists the Chairman with other duties as needed.


Communications Chairman

Acts as a liaison between the Director and all of the communications committees.   Also serves on the Membership Committee.

Book Review Chairman

Submits a book review to the NEGC Review Editor for each issue.

Calendar/Vision of Beauty Chairman

To inform and encourage participation in the photography of floral designs and gardens for the NCG Vision of Beauty Calendar and to promote sales of it throughout the region and within the respective New England States

NEGC Newsletter Chairman

Solicits and receives information valuable to readers in the Region.  All such information must be researched for accuracy, edited grammatically, composed in a clear and concise manner, and properly formatted. Additional responsibilities may include the printing and mailing of the publication, when unable to send electronically.

The National Gardener Chairman

Emphasizes to the states the importance of all members subscribing to THE NATIONAL GARDENER.

Publicity/Press Books Chairman

Encourages clubs to keep a record each year of coverage they receive in the print media and to apply for the corresponding award.  The State Publicity Press Book Chairman forwards to NEGC Chairman the first, second, and third award books received in their states.  These are judged within the region, and the winners names are forwarded to the NGC Awards Chairman and the NGC Publicity Press Book Chairman.  National Publicity Press Book Awards are presented at the NEGC Annual Luncheon held at the NGC Convention and announced at the NER Annual Conference in the Fall.  The Winners of the NEGC Publicity Press Books are given NEGC certificates (provided by the NEGC Awards Chairman) and are presented at the NEGC Fall Conference.

All awards books are to be supplied with a return envelope with postage.  It is not the responsibility of the region to pay for the return postage.   It is the State President’s responsibility to see that the NEGC Chairman receives the names of their state publicity press book chairman’s name and address. “First place winners in each category are sent to the Regional Chair by February 23; First place books in each category are sent to the National Garden Clubs Chairman……” by March 23.

Website Chairman

Maintains an informative website for the Region.  All information should be current.

Photography Chairman

Documents all meeting and events with pictures.

Ways and Means Chairman works with the NER membership to promote the fundraiser chosen by the Regional Director with a vote from the general membership.

works to get all events into the local Newspapers, Websites and other venues to further promote NEGC and NGC objectives.



Increases environmental awareness in the states and clubs.  Encourages, supports, and assists committees in developing and obtaining their goals.

Air and Water Quality Chairman

Educates the states about the importance of Air and Water Quality throughout the Region.  Promotes any NGC projects for Air and Water Quality.

Birds, Bugs and Butterflies Chairman

Gathers and disseminates information about the anatomy, habitats, and life cycles relevant to the needs of birds, bugs and butterflies.   Encourages NEGC members to initiate and participate in projects to educate the public.  Legislative and environmental concerns are addressed.

Conservation/Endangered Species Chairman

Keeps abreast of current information regarding conservation and endangered species.  Advises states and clubs of their responsibility and duty to practice good conservation methods and to protect endangered species.

Invasive Plants/Native Plants Chairman

Educates the states and clubs about these plants and weeds and to differentiate between the valuable native plants to use in landscaping.

Land Trust/Nature Conservancy Chairman

Educates the states, clubs and members about the importance of protecting our open lands, watersheds and all that is nature.  Encourage states and clubs to become involved with saving the land from overdevelopment.

Legislation Chairman

Develops sources of information concerning pending or proposed legislation, within the Region or nationally, and disseminates that information to NER states and clubs.  If action is required, assists the public relation chairman to make elected officials aware of NER concerns.

Memorial Gardens, Arboreta/Botanical Gardens Chairman

Promotes the establishment of gardens of the various types.  Keeps the Region abreast of all new gardens.

Arbor Culture/Penny Pines Chairman

Promotes the reforestation of National Forests in conjunction with the National Forest Service.  States may select the National Forest of their choice.

Recycling Chair

Promotes recycling projects among clubs by providing them with supportive information and educational resources; reminds states and clubs of their responsibility to practice recycling in their own communities.



Co-ordinates the efforts of the horticulture related chairmen in collecting and distributing information from their respective areas of expertise to the NEGC state counterparts.  The committee is responsible for one horticulture program for NEGC during the two year period and each committee member should write one article for the newsletter over the two year period.

Indoor Gardening Chairman

Educates the value and encourages the use of indoor plants in the home environment.

Community Gardening/Xeriscaping/Wildflowers Chairman

Stimulates an interest in and provides information about up-to-date projects relating to these horticultural topics.  Advises and assists state chairmen as needed

Container Gardening Chairman

Promotes and educates on container and indoor gardening.  Keeps abreast of new information and advises state chairmen as needed.

Botanical Garden Liaison

Stimulates an interest in and educates members of Gardens in the Region. Helps the Web chair to keep the list current and up to date for the web site.

Organic, Vegetable and Herb Gardening Chairman

Stimulates an interest in and educates members of the above types of gardening.  Advises and assists state chairmen as needed.



Educates, promotes, and publicizes the advantages of this organization.  Spreads excitement and enthusiasm among garden club members by following NGC’s Mission Statement.  Develops innovative methods to encourage new members and to keep garden clubs visible in communities.  Advises and assists state and local chairmen as needed.  Presents the Membership Increase Award at the Annual NEGC Conference.

Four and Five Star Memberships Chairman

Encourages members to attend the schools that NGC offers complete the courses and attain Master status.  NGC presents Certificates in both categories.

NFA, CFAA and GCA Design Group Liaison Chairman

Provides information of the above design study groups to those wishing to advance their study of floral design.

Plant Societies Liaison Chairman

Educates members about specific plant societies.

Website Chairman

Board description listed under Communications.

Youth Chairman

Board description listed under Youth Programs.



Works closely with Regional Chairmen of the various National Projects encouraging them to promote their projects to the membership.

Blue Star Memorial Highways Chairman

Advises and assists the state chairmen in promoting new Memorial Markers and revitalizing existing sites within the states.  Keeps a record of the location of all markers in the Region.

Civic Development

Promotes Civic Development projects among clubs and encourages clubs to apply for awards.

National Garden Week Chairman

Promotes activities to coincide with National Garden Week each year.

Habitat for Humanity/Landscape Design Contest Chairman

Promotes HFH projects and forwards information to all garden clubs interested in landscaping HFH homes.  Promote any special contests sponsored by NGC.


Garden Therapy/Healing Gardens Chairman

Educates members of the value of garden therapy and healing gardens as an aid to the recovery and rehabilitation of physically and mentally challenged people.  Encourages clubs to become involved with this therapy.



Educates clubs about the value of working with youth groups.  Serves as a resource person for programs on gardening with children.  Serves on the Membership Committee.  Judges and presents the Youth Excellence Award at the Annual NEGC Conference.

Youth, Intermediate, High School Written Contests Chairman

Contacts each State President and Youth Chairman explaining the titles and rules for all youth written contests each year.  With a committee judges all entries.  Forwards all first place winners to the National Chairman.  Announce the winners at the Annual NEGC Conference.

Ecotots/Juniors Poster Contests Chairman

Contacts the Youth Chairmen in each state with the new contest criteria each year.  With a committee judges all entries.  Forwards all first place winners to the National Chairman.  Announces winners at the annual NEGC Conference.

Woodsy Owl/Smokey the Bear Chairman promotes the Poster Contest and judges the Posters for the NER.


Environmental Study Chairman

Encourages and supports these schools in the states within the Region.  The courses help participants become literate and knowledgeable on all issues pertaining to the environment.  Serving as chairman, appoints a committee to judge the Books of Evidence for the Environmental Concerns Award.  Presents the Award at the Annual NEGC Conference.

Gardening Study Chairman

Encourages and supports these schools in the states within the Region.  The courses help participants appreciate horticulture and how it affects everyone’s lives and activities.

Judges’ Council Chairman

Keeps all states in the Region informed of the Flower Show Schools and Symposiums being held.  Advises and assists Councils as needed.

Landscape Design Chairman

Encourages and supports these schools in the states within the Region.  The courses help participants appreciate the value of good landscape design.

Flower Show Schools Chairman

Encourages and supports these schools in the N.E. Region. Offers updates to Handbook for Flower Shows and  advise to Flower Show Schools in the Region.

Environmental  Consultants’ Council Liaison

The purpose of the Environmental Consultants’ Council is to continue education in environmental studies in order to improve and maintain a highly qualified leadership, to assist Environmental Study School, and to promote good environmental practices in the NEGC.  This Chairman will keep the NEGC informed of the available ESS and information received from the ECC.