Annual Meeting
The New England Garden Clubs, Inc. hosts an Annual Meeting each year that rotates among the six states that make up the garden club federations of New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont). This year the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts will be our host in Plymouth, MA from October 10-11, 2023. The Registration Form and Schedule of Events are located on the drop down menu under the MEETINGS tab.
For complete information about Annual Meetings, click here
Flower Show Symposium
Traditionally, an NGC Flower Show Symposium has also been held each year, again sponsored by one of the six New England state federation Judges Councils made up of floral designers from the individual states. In the future, the federations may adopt an every-other-year schedule, or, the states may band together to have more than one state host this symposium.
For complete information about the Flower Show Symposium, click here