Welcome to the New England Garden Clubs, Inc.
2023-2025 Director
Susan Miner
THEME: Grow Green…Plant America

It is an honor and a privilege for me to serve as the new Director of New England Garden Clubs. I am really looking forward to visiting all six of our New England state garden club federations to witness and learn more about the wonderful work you all do within your communities and in your schools.
The theme for my term is GROW GREEN…PLANT AMERICA. This ties into NGC President Brenda Moore’s theme of GO GREEN…PLANT AMERICA. I chose this theme to encourage our clubs to take on specific horticulture activities that will help support the environment such as planting trees, making pollinator corridors and encouraging home-grown national parks. My Director’s project is to increase donations to Penny Pines from our clubs and states within the New England Region. I have been in contact with the NGC Penny Pines Chair and she is sending me a report of monthly donations to Penny Pines by state and I have set up a spreadsheet to track the progress. Hopefully, we can increase our participation in this important NGC program over the next 2 years. I would certainly appreciate your support in this endeavor. Please visit https://gardenclub.org/penny-pines for more details on Penny Pines.
As Region Director, I am also a member of the NGC Executive Committee and the NGC Scholarship Committee. I have also been asked to participate on NGC’s Membership Committee. I welcome any questions or input you have to enhance our clubs at the region or national level.
Happy gardening!
Suzanne Bushnell
Judith Tarbox
Immediate Past Director
Suzanne McCance